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HD Ranger2 ATSC 場強(qiáng)儀


HD Ranger2 ATSC 場強(qiáng)儀
The HD RANGER 2 ATSC features a new 7" touch screen with excellent brightness and superior image sharpness that can also be used wearing gloves.


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HD Ranger2 ATSC 場強(qiáng)儀

HD Ranger2 ATSC 場強(qiáng)儀

The HD RANGER 2 ATSC features a new 7” touch screen with excellent brightness and superior image sharpness that can also be used wearing gloves.

The hybrid operation of the HD RANGER 2ATSC allows the equipment to be fully operated using both the touch panel and the conventional keyboard.

HD RANGER 2 features all HD RANGER+ATSC functions plus IPTV input, Common Interface (CAM) for encrypted channels, HDMI interface and TS-ASIinput/output.

Optical measurements and 3 GHz band extension can also be included as an option, thus converting the HD RANGER 2 in an all-purpose field strength meter.



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